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What I can say about Tony is that he was one of my favourite teachers because he has done a lot for me. He always makes his lessons fun and easy. Students in his class learn and understand faster thanks to the way in which he teaches. I learnt quickly just because of the fact I was in class. He is a special teacher and is very nice. He is good because he always makes sure everyone learns the lesson. If a student doesn’t understand, he is careful and patient in teaching them so they understand before moving on. He is really concerned about if students really understand the content. Some teachers only teach lessons and let the book teach them. Tony is beyond that point. He really helped students in our class and explained his lessons step by step. With his way, all the students passed their exams. He is one of those sorts of teacher who is a good friend, interested and curious about music, food and culture from different countries. He also makes the class laugh many times. That is another reason why he is a good teacher. Sometimes in class, he makes jokes when no one expects it and there is never a tense atmosphere. He likes to give extra help to students too. Today he is not my teacher any more but he has given me his help many times via the internet explaining everything I need to know. If he is your teacher, I am sure he will be your favourite! Silvia (Romanian) Norwich

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